Thursday, August 23, 2007


Boston, Mass. - A brief stint in Baw-ston proved QUITE fruitful in the quest for good boba. Boston Tea Stop has been in Harvard Square for about 2.5 years, after replacing what used to be a Lollicup. And here, boba goes by its God-give name: boba. After a summer of listening to people call it "bubble tea," it was like going back home!

: Boston Tea Stop
Address: 54 JFK St., Cambridge, MA 02138 (Harvard Square)
Phone: (617) 945-0017
Date visited: Sunday, Aug. 19, 2007

Goes by: Boba
Price: $3.15 - $4.00
Form: Milk tea, tea, infusion milk tea (basically flavored milk tea), ice blended drinks, juice. You can substitute jelly for boba, or do 1/2 boba, 1/2 jelly.
Flavors: About 70. Jelly flavors: lychee and mango


: Both
Flavors tried: Milk tea, yogurt infusion milk tea, almond infusion milk tea

Milk tea

Yogurt infusion milk tea

Lid style
: Sealed plastic wrap
Smiles: Where do I begin?
  • Taste, texture and proportion of tea:boba are pretty darn near perfect.
  • The yogurt infusion milk tea is boba-tastic. It's exactly like Yoduly, the miniature Asian drinks that all of us ABC kids used to freeze to make slush. Yum!
  • They call their hot milk tea "hottie." Hottie!
  • They sell Boston Tea Stop T-shirts for $10.50 and mugs for $3.50.
  • It's always nice enjoying boba with folks who understand boba: my old Berkeley buddies and kindergarten-through-HS buddy Tiff (also an MIT genius).
  • Wi-fi
  • Given its proximity to several campuses, it gets lots of traffic from college students.
  • Their Web site is down. That's all I got. Seriously.
Most memorable bo-ment(s):

Overall rating
: 9.5/10

1 comment:

Christine said...

omg, bo-baw! haha don't know why i got a huge kick out of that...