Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My new thing

Alhambra - I really like mango. And I really like boba. So you'd think that I would drink mango tea w/ boba all the time, right? Fail. I have this thing where I'll only drink tea or milk tea w/ boba, because how would I be able to compare boba places if I don't have a consant by which to compare them?

But that has all changed. Call it renegade, but my last two boba experiences have been with mango tea so delicious that as a result, I've revised my boba-reviewing methods. So watch out world, I'm tackling flavors now!

FYI, the aforemented killer mango bobas were at TenRen in downtown LA (on Broadway), and Tea Station in Alhambra (on Main). If you like obscenely sweet mango-flavored tea, you'll love it! Promise. We did:

Braving the drizzly weather for boba goodness

1 comment:

Annie said...

What are your thoughts on mini-boba? I personally prefer mini-boba to normal-sized boba.