Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Giant boba

The boba gods must be smiling down on me today. First, I woke up to an email from my sister, who sent me this photo from Amsterdam:

When I asked her if she tried it, she replied like the true Northern California seasoned boba-drinker she is: Hell no.

A few hours later, I found out that Bubble Tea Licious, a boba truck, was parked a few blocks away from my work, so I had to check it out. By the way, I started this blog, called Bobalicious, in 2007. Bubble Tea Licious started in 2008. Just saying.

First thoughts: This boba is unnecessarily huge. I snapped a pic of it next to my 32-ounce Nalgene, for scale. I put my mini-Vaseline on the other side of it to further emphasize its hugeness. This is what that poor woman in Indonesia must've felt like when the doctor handed her her 19-pound newborn.

Additional thoughts: This is probably the best boba I've had in D.C., which is like saying it's the fastest blind, three-legged greyhound out of all the blind, three-legged greyhounds. Don't get me wrong, no one can serve up a bland sandwich (or "blandwich," as I like to say) better than this city, but when it comes to boba, it's a sad, sad desert. Bubble Tea Licious's black milk tea is a little too sweet, but the tapioca has good consistency and the flavor of the milk tea is decent. I'd give it an A- by D.C. standards, which is a B- by normal standards. Also, it cost $5, which is ridiculous. I'd much prefer a NORMAL-sized cup that costs no more than $3.50, per normal boba standards.

In short: Slightly above average, yet incredibly expensive. D.C. in a nutshell.

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