Monday, January 10, 2011

100% bomb

Rowland Heights - Until recently, Half & Half was like an urban legend - much talked about, yet never reviewed by the self-anointed Boba Queen. I remedied this a couple weekends ago while showing a college buddy around LA. And let me tell you, Half & Half is as good as they say. Their specialty, iced milk with honey boba, is a twist on standard milk tea and it is BOMB. Frothy and pleasantly sweet.

But I'm not going to lie. The best part about it was the cup. It's shorter and stouter than most boba cups. Kind of like the Danny DeVito of boba.

1 comment:

Darklyss said...

Saw these and thought of you Cat <3

They come in Apple, Honey Dew and Watermelon (I couldn't resist!!!)