Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Boba in bulk

The advantages of buying boba for numerous co-workers:

1. Filling up your free boba card in one transaction

2. It's good practice for the boba delivery service I'm gonna start if journalism doesn't work out. And if my genius idea for a plush igloo company falls through, too. In other words, get ready to place your orders. I'll write them down in what used to be my reporter's notebook. FML.


hedwiggles said...

I can't wait for your History of Boba book, sure to be a #1 best seller :).

Anonymous said...

Finally found this. You should post more often. I still feel uninformed about current boba-related events. In your boba-travels, keep an eye out for authentic HK style milk tea. (Gang Shi Nai Cha). Its my fav.


Bobapower said...

You left a 3rd point: Someone may not claim their boba tea and you'll end with a "bonus" :)