Monday, November 24, 2008

Would you rather...

...Drown in mayo or be stoned to death with pickles? Be invisible or fly? Do cartwheels constantly or be striped like a zebra? Eat a bar of soap or drink a bottle of dishwashing liquid? Speak backwards or only be able to mouth words silently? Be married to Bush or Palin?

And most importantly, drink boba everyday or never drink boba again, EVER?

I think I know what your answer would be. And I think you know mine, too.

Anyways, I'd gone a whole month without boba until tonight, when I hit up Boba Loca near USC. It was meh, but it's kinda like this: If you haven't had ________ in a month, any ________ is good.

I know what you're thinking. And you probably know what I'm thinking, too.

(Boba, of course.)


Sharon said...

Hahaha those video's of Bush and Palin are hilarious!

I miss your would you rather questions lol

Annie said...

Those videos were funny.
What's up with this boba drought you were experiencing?? We should hang out more since you're so close, I can show you the hot boba spots. :D