And most importantly, drink boba everyday or never drink boba again, EVER?
I think I know what your answer would be. And I think you know mine, too.
Anyways, I'd gone a whole month without boba until tonight, when I hit up Boba Loca near USC. It was meh, but it's kinda like this: If you haven't had ________ in a month, any ________ is good.
I know what you're thinking. And you probably know what I'm thinking, too.
(Boba, of course.)
Hahaha those video's of Bush and Palin are hilarious!
I miss your would you rather questions lol
Those videos were funny.
What's up with this boba drought you were experiencing?? We should hang out more since you're so close, I can show you the hot boba spots. :D
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