Conversely, the Lollicup I grabbed in Koreatown today was not nearly as impressive as the Lollicup I had in Guilin, back when I was a crazy kid traipsing around China. In fact, Guilin Lollicup (or GL, if you will), tops my list of Best Boba Ever.
Which brings me to my point: I guess you can never really pre-judge any given boba, even if you've tried the same chain in another country. I find that alternately frustrating and exciting.
Up next: Things that look like boba. This is weird, but I think you'll like it. You are friends with me, after all. Here's a preview:

Any guesses?
i think you just buy the franchise for quickly's. i don't know about ten ren's. but that would explain why they're all different, and why not all of them have 59 cent boba. :(
if you want to check out the inconsistencies some more, there's another lollicup and ten ren in hacienda heights. there's also a boba tea hut and tea station. :D
also, you should try this honey lemonade and aloe drink. it's good!
i was going to say jello too. or transluscent boba balls in cool colors in plastic cups!
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