Brisbane, AUS - I em so eggcited I ken hardly tipe. C? My copy editor friends are probably grinding their teeth reading this. Haha, suckas.
Anyways, I AM
HELLA EXCITED. I arrived in Brisbane about 2 hours ago and found boba approximately 1 hour ago. Since then, I've been on a tapioca high that I have no intention of coming down from. A timeline would probably sum up the last hour better than sentences right now (I know, and I'm supposed to be a reporter, right? Oh, the shame.), so here goes:
- 4:20 p.m.: Leave hostel, walk 15 steps to the right, spot sign for pearl milk tea (PMT), flip out.
- 4:21 p.m.: Walking into restaurant, see patrons with cups w/fat straws. Flip out more.
- 4:22 p.m.: Find out restaurant just sold out of tapioca. Am crestfallen.
- 4:22:30 p.m.: Walk next door into another Chinese restaurant, see sign for pearl milk tea, continue flipping out.
Note the yellow sign for milk tea on the door- 4:23 p.m.: Start chatting with adorable elderly Chinese couple who own the restaurant. Grandmotherly lady makes my PMT and insists, in true grandmotherly fashion, that I get it hot instead of cold. Charmed by her cuteness, I relent.
- God, I'm tired of writing "p.m." over and over.
- 4:24-4:45 p.m.:
- Couple asks me if I'm from Shandong, because Chinese people from Shandong are tall.
- Grandmotherly lady asks me if I'm 18. Forgive her because am still charmed by her cuteness.
- Not believing that I'm 23 (Being an Asian girl under age 30, I look 15, welcome to my life), couple asks what year I was born, and what zodiac sign I'm under. (1985, Year of the Ox, and god why would I lie, is this a bar?!)
- Chat about their time in Brisbane (immigrated 30 years ago from Hong Kong).
- Chat about China, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Canada and other places w/ lots of Chinese people (this is what Chinese people do, and about all my limited Chinese vocab will allow me to do).
- Chat about how tall my parents are (this is also what Chinese people do when discussing height).
- Realize that hot PMT really is better than cold PMT. Grandma was right.
Cute Chinese couple, owners of Yee Foong (HK BBQ restaurant)
BobaOh right, the boba. Sorry. The tea is quite good. She really took the time to brew it and mix in milk and sugar. The tapioca is VERY soft, softer than I usually like it *that's what she said*
and has a strong ginger flavor, which I REALLY don't like (and is weird). Still, I just couldn't get over how friggin cute they were, so really, it was all good. Brisbane rox.